Web Design

What should you take into account to create your company logo?

The logo reflects the values ​​of your brand. Its composition goes beyond choosing a simple image or a beautiful letter. Colors, typography or format are essential aspects when creating a logo that represents your brand and is easy for the client to remember.

Have you come across eye-catching profile photos? That is precisely the effect that you can achieve with a good logo. There are many things that come into play when you decide to represent your brand with an image, a typeface or a combination of image and typeface, and the selection or combination of these factors will help you or not to increase sales in your business.

A logo reflects the values ​​of the brand, so it goes beyond choosing an image and / or beautiful letter, I am going to tell you some of the things you should keep in mind:


1. The first is simplicity, the simpler the better. If we select an image with many colors or with many shapes, which is known as “loaded”, we will end up with a logo that is easily forgotten. An example of an easily remembered logo is Nike, I assure you that, when you see it, you immediately recognize the brand. The simpler the better.

2. If you are going to include some type of font in your brand image, lean towards the easiest to read. There are fonts that are difficult to read and that prevents your clients from remembering it easily. There are many free fonts that you can find on the Web, browse a bit and you will find the one that best represents your brand.

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3. On the other hand, there are the colors. There is a lot of information about the psychology of color that can help you choose the colors of your brand properly. But, equally, your logo should also look good in white on a black background and in black on a white background.

4. Avoid using shadows, gradients, backgrounds … all those elements that make a logo more complex. These types of “compositions” make it difficult to promote your firm instead of promoting it. It is also important that it is versatile and adaptable to any format, this means that it should look just as good on the web, on paper, on T-shirts, that is, on any type of support where you want or need to use it.

5. The next step is for you to draw (even if you are not an artist). It helps a lot that you put on paper, the ideas you have in mind, that is shaping your brand. You can “test” it with your friends or potential clients, to see which idea could work better than the other and select a “winning” idea.

A logo reflects the values ​​of the brand. It goes beyond choosing a simple image and / or pretty font. Colors, typography or format are essential aspects when creating a representative logo.

If you have the budget to hire a designer, all this previous work will allow you to hire the most suitable one. If your budget is destined to other priorities, you can try using the free options on the web to create your logo.

Finally, if you do a search, you will find very interesting programs and options such as logo generators, which guide you step by step, with many elements and tools created by professional designers that allow you to have a custom logo, without be a designer or programmer.

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