
Twitter for companies: why is it ideal for your business?

Twitter is one of the most present social platforms in our day to day, and there are already many companies that have taken advantage of the benefits that this social network can bring by integrating it into our marketing strategy.

Are you considering using it? This will interest

What is Twitter?

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms today , allowing users to send short 280-character messages called “tweets” (what some call microblogging) and also stay up-to-date on the latest news, trends and even the most popular memes.

This platform is present in our day to day and allows its use both on a laptop, a tablet or a mobile; Furthermore, 80% of active users access the site via mobile , although this is no surprise, since it is difficult to see someone without a mobile in our day.

Twitter sometimes helps us connect with celebrities or influencers we admire, but it’s also an important space for brands to make an impression on their current audience and potential customers. 

Data of interest on Twitter

Since 2014, Twitter has had 330 million monthly active users . In the last quarter of 2019, it was an international number of 262 million excluding the USA, which represents the rest. It is clear that this figure includes many people. And what’s more impressive: These monthly active users post 500 million tweets every day, which translates to around 6,000 tweets every second. 

If we consider this data, there is no doubt that being on Twitter and creating content for Twitter allows reaching many people, and, following a good strategy, your brand and business could be recognized in a short time and gain a lot of visibility.

However, you should decide as soon as possible. A Statista report from last year states that 75% of B2B businesses have their Twitter account and use it for marketing , followed by 57% of B2C businesses, which are doing the same. That means Twitter beats YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat.

Why Twitter is essential for a business

People use Twitter to discover other interesting people and companies online, choosing to follow their tweets. This makes Twitter a great way to connect with your current audience, attract more leads, increase brand awareness, and use it as a free marketing tool. 

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In addition to what has already been mentioned, we must name practical facts that will show you why you have to use Twitter if you are looking for online recognition of your business , and how to use it to achieve what you want.

1. Free Marketing

Your tweets are indexed by Google, so it helps search engine optimization. Therefore, it is really important to always use your keywords in your tweets. This generates leads and increases sales. Most followers of a brand are more likely to make purchases or recommend products after following the brand on Twitter.

On the other hand, it costs very little to promote a product on Twitter . You could also use Twitter ads, although for this you need a little more budget. If you have the budget, go for it! If not, you can simply promote it with your tweets.

You can use Twitter as a search engine . Not only for your tweets, but also to find potential customers looking for the products or services you offer. So, you may have to do a little research here, but it may be worth it.

Remember to check the Twitter statistics that are offered for free to see what works and what does not and, in this way, modify your strategy and make it much more effective.

Last but not least, you can spy on the competition. It’s always good to analyze the competition, and on Twitter, which is a public place, it’s much easier, and you can get a lot of valuable information. Analyze what they do and how they respond to their customers and users, and what responses they get from it, to know how to differentiate what is right and what is wrong, and apply all the good to your strategy.

2. Increase your brand recognition

Twitter is a real-time platform, it allows you to have an open conversation with your audience and potential clients, as well as build relationships with other experts in the industry.

It is important to search and investigate what other experts there are in your sector with whom you can contact to be proactive, that is, open conversations on Twitter in real time on interesting topics for your audience and that this reaches many more people.

In this way you will not only reach your audience but also that of the other experts who already have their own audiences. This will allow you to create a community of experts and create that reliability and trust in your audience.

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The creation of this community will also allow you to be tagged in tweets, which means that your brand name will reach more potential customers.

Another well-known practice is comarketing alliances, which seek to enhance the visibility of brands. Normally, these types of synergies are made with planning, other times it can be an act of listening carefully to the conversations that take place around your brand and taking advantage of the opportunity. Recently, Netflix caught the attention of its followers through a tweet that undoubtedly gave something to talk about. So much so that Seat, one of those involved in it, took advantage of the moment for his own benefit.

3. Connect with your audience

It is important to keep in mind that the base of all business is the clients, so it is important to have them satisfied. Twitter is a good platform for customer service. Most consumers are likely to recommend the brand if they have received a friendly and effective service.

Therefore, you have to know how to make customers happy and more likely to buy / hire your services. For example, never leave a customer tweet unanswered; that will create a bad reputation and it will appear that you have no interest in the customer’s needs. Also, think that 77% of Twitter users feel more positive about a brand when their tweet has been answered .

Finally, companies using Twitter for customer service see an increase in customer satisfaction. Pepephone has just given us a lesson in it. In the wake of the current pandemic, the virtual mobile operator has launched a brilliant loyalty initiative to make confinement to its customers more enjoyable, and the results are to be expected.

Finally, one of the ways to offer the best service is by anticipating complaints. If there is a problem in the service, or the website is being updated or you have changed the opening hours … comment on Twitter and let your customers know, they will thank you!

More UX on Twitter for this 2020

But as all this is already helping businesses worldwide, we are going to propose things to you so that you do not miss the news from Twitter in this 2020 and that you always stay one step ahead.

Let’s talk about restrictions

For starters, Twitter has allowed users to restrict post comments for a while . It is a way to reduce selective harassment and toxic comments, which will make the user experience on the network more enjoyable.

And although this option is currently offered worldwide, it is true that it has caused discontent in some, since it can promote fake news, which, thanks to the prompt reaction of many to a news of this type, could be almost instantly denied.

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Now, if we focus on how this option impacts your business account, we could highlight that it is certainly of great value to your community, since your customers will feel more protected when talking to you and, in addition, you can hide spam comments that other users or bots write to your tweets. In this way, the communication of and with your audience can be cured and you will be able to converse more directly with them.

More exclusivity for the news, but with IG features

In 2020, Twitter will become even more a news site , as it currently has 71% of users focused on them. Twitter is second behind Reddit and ahead of Facebook and Youtube. Put some focus on what’s going on in the world!

Although the platform seeks to maintain its focus on information, its business trend certainly does not abandon it, but rather reinforces it. We talk more exactly about Spotlight s or promoted trends : the power of video in the premium section. It is a paid version that supports 6-second videos and GIFs, and also still images from the Twitter mobile app.

This will always appear at the top. Currently in the US USA, United Kingdom and Japan, but it will be extended to other countries, including Spain and Mexico. It is a great way to capture attention, recognize and differentiate your brand, and also start conversations with customers. It has been shown that more time is spent in Spotlight than in other Twitter advertising mechanisms.

Vintage is still in fashion

On the one hand, users have stayed at the time when tweets only had 140 characters, and although it is now possible to put many more, it seems that the shorter, the better. Follow that line . The shorter, informative and quality, the better!

On the other hand, although Twitter does not seem like the platform for it, do not forget to use videos! Most consumers prefer to watch video content from a brand or business they follow. Videos attract more and engage users with the brand. Surely the video is the future of Twitter. We cannot forget that Twitter pioneered the acquisition of the Periscope start-up in 2015, which allowed users to share live videos from their mobile phones; This means that the “live” content on Twitter also continues to increase.

So now you know, post tweets regularly – if possible, with engaging multimedia content and trending hashtags – interact with others on Twitter, and build a community with experts and customers so that your brand name goes much further.

And you, do you already use Twitter and follow a good strategy or are you considering it? Tell me in the comments section how your company is doing on Twitter!

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