Digital Marketing

The difference between usability and user experience

Currently, companies must create a product and service based on customers, that is, on their experience and how they expect it to be or evolve in the future as this can guarantee greater success in attracting users and / or clients.

Since now many times we work under the concept of usability that refers to the ease with which people can use a particular tool or any other object made by humans in order to achieve a specific objective.

Although the second concept has its advantages because it makes the user adapt to market trends, according to Gunther Barajas, vice president in Mexico of the Dassault Systemes company, today we live in the “Age of experience”, a point that is transforming our economic model since it is a new way of thinking about business and its value for them is 32 billion dollars worldwide.

According to the expert, in this concept the value chain is based more than ever on customers and their vision of the service or product, since this is a “portal” to offer added value. That is, it is what makes people use and recommend the brand.

“In the era of experience, connected customs are needed where users are the center of activities and plans, and where the same company adapts its processes to match what the market requests, not as happened before where companies marked the way forward in a unidirectional way ”. At this point it was clarified that not all customers are the same, therefore it is best to generate a product that provides value at each point of contact with customers.

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One of the best examples of user experience on the internet was given by Google since its service is based on the correct information.

While other players like Yahoo! and Altavista, developed information portals, rather than search portals, on a front with links and data of all kinds, Google simply opened a blank, clean and simple page, where the user, since 1997, has put the topic they want to know.

In this regard, traditional communication channels such as email, chat and social networks are currently the platforms most used by companies to serve their customers, but this model is about to be transformed with the evolution of the Internet of Things. (IoT). Thanks to this trend, user experience will dictate implementation strategies.

Gartner exposed in a 2015 investigation that the IoT is making its way rapidly and is shaping up to become, not only a profitable business, but also part of the future business prospects of companies.

According to experts, the IoT offers many applications that can improve the user experience, but companies should not stop considering that without a good strategy, instead of bringing benefits, it can become one more frustration for their customers.

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