Since the approach of web technology to companies (around the year 1996), an equal opportunity for small companies and freelancers to promote your products and services on the Internet had not arisen than social networks.

A few years ago, SMEs managed to internationalize thanks to  web technology . With little investment, a company could be known throughout the world,  internet consultants or  web development do this type of work. Projects where you have to balance design, creativity, technology and functionality.

Subsequently, Google with its Adwords program  , Yahoo and Microsoft (now Bing) facilitated  search engine advertising in PPC (Pay Per Click) format. With very little money, any company could be advertising and selling their products in less than 24 hours.

Now, a new and revolutionary way of relating, where people not only publish or access information (web1.0) but also participate and collaborate within the so-called web2.0 .., are social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr , Yahoo, Linkedin, foursquare, ..

Social networks,  from a well-planned Social Media Marketing service , are very useful to improve relationships with your current customers, get new customers, and create a user community around your brand.

The possibilities and benefits offered by social networks are very great:

  • create a  meeting point for your potential customers
  • Make your products and services known to a  segmented network of users
  • Increase the brand image .
  • Improve the  SEO positioning of your activity, something essential today.

In this sense, a well-planned SMM ( Social Media Marketing ) service allows us to achieve highly segmented traffic from the most important social networks that operate on the Internet.

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From  SERSEO we provide all the necessary services for your company to use the possibilities of the network.