Artificial IntelligenceDigital MarketingTechnology

Know where companies apply Artificial Intelligence

The application areas of solutions supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) combine various technological fields such as robotics, expert systems, Big Data or Information Technology (IT), and companies have begun to invest in this type of infrastructure to grow their businesses. .

According to the Global Trends Study by Information Technology consultancy Tata Consultancy Services, average company spending on AI projects between 2015 and 2016 was $ 38 million and is estimated to increase to $ 54 million in the year. 2020.

In this sense, Adriana Torres Nava, Country Head of TCS in Mexico, points out that 57% of the AI ​​project budget is destined to improve current commercial operations, and 43% in transformation projects. However, by 2025 that ratio is expected to change to 51% allocated to transformational projects.

The analysis was applied to companies in 13 sectors and the majority (84%) consider AI as an essential technology for competitiveness and a transformative element for business.

The area where they are using these technologies the most is IT, which was mentioned by 69% of respondents. About 31% refer to marketing topics, while 25% say customer service, finance and accounting. A little less than a quarter invest in strategic planning and corporate development.

On the additional revenue generated in 2015 from the use of AI solutions, compared to 2014, respondents mentioned an average revenue increase of 14%. At the same time, they report an average reduction of 10% in costs in areas benefited by AI projects.

Respondents have varying expectations as to the beneficial impact AI will have on their companies by 2020. 29% say it will be on IT, while only 11% say it will be in Research and Development, which is surprisingly low given the importance of this area for these companies. A higher percentage (14%) cite customer service, while 11% refer to marketing and sales.

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On the other hand, in 2016 the expectation was that AI would reduce jobs by an average of 11% in technology functions and it is estimated that by 2020, they could observe that its use would eliminate 17% of jobs in the IT area , and 23% by 2025.

Finally, it is important to point out that natural language generation, voice recognition, virtual agents, machine learning platforms , decision management, automation and analytics are Artificial Intelligence technologies that continue to transform the business processes of companies.

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