Digital Marketing

How to write a SEO text that Positions?

Today there are more people who are dedicated to writing articles for some web pages or blog. But, you know how to write an SEO text that will position a portal . Therefore, in this article you will find some technical elements that will help you to position yourself in Google. However, the most important thing is the production of content that answers the questions of the netizens and that they like.

Things that work in SEO texts

There are several key points that you need to know, since they are essential to position an SEO text.


he articles that they write for any blog or website, must be directed to a theme or keyword that the netizen is looking for. Consequently, it is necessary to know if the keyword you chose is within the search intent of the users .

That is why it is essential to know which are the most sought after topics. However, this can be difficult if you don’t have the right tools. For this reason, Keyword Planner, SemRush, Übersuggest or Keywords Everywhere are applications that will help to know the search volume of the keywords.

The url

The URL is a key element within the SEO text, which must be optimized based on the keyword. In this sense, you must delete the words that do not add any value, such as propositions or conjunctions.

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Here is an example to help you clarify your doubts:

  • Misspelled : / the-5-best-electrical-appliances-in-2014 /
  • Well written : / best-electrical-appliances -2014 /

The title has to be cool

The title of the content must be attractive so that it can attract the attention of the readers. Well, on a theme there can be thousands of articles. Therefore, it is necessary to add something to it that identifies it from others.

For example, if you want to write an entry on how to write SEO text. The best thing is that the title will be: 5 secrets to write SEO texts that you do not know.

On the other hand, it is necessary to bear in mind that the title must be between 50 and 70 characters. Thus, it will be able to appear completely in the different search engines.

Description is your secret weapon

The meta-description tag is the description that is displayed after the title in the different searches. Influenced the user to click or not click the content. For this reason, your invitation must be attractive so that the reader is encouraged to read the entry. An example of how it should be written would be:

  • Bad: In this article you will know how to write optimized SEO texts.
  • Good: Do you want to write SEO optimized texts? Well, you have reached the right place. Here you will learn the 5 secrets to write SEO texts and become an expert.

The structure has to be consistent

Reading a story with a title and a single subtitle at the end does not make much sense . In the same way, for Google because the information it shows must be ordered. Because it is visually much more pleasing. Also, content that is too long and disorganized does not attract users.

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In this sense, the H1 represents the main title and the H2 the subtitles that are written afterwards. Meanwhile, the H3 are within the H2 to better explain information. It is important to note that it is not necessary to force the appearance of H4, H5 or H6 to organize the content.

Finally, these are some guidelines for writing SEO text. Thus, you can become an expert and achieve the positioning of your articles in the first places of the search engines.

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