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How to use an ERP to improve your sales?

An ERP can be a differential to boost the sales of your company. Do you want to understand how it works? We explain everything in this post!

Respond quickly: would you agree to board a plane without a control panel, piloted only on the basis of pilot experience?

Of course not. And this is because, without data, it is simply impossible to be successful in any job.

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Well the same goes for your company, especially in relation to your effort to drive sales.

The truth is that, in the era of digital business, it is not possible to be competitive working with different systems for the area of ​​people management, for the legal and for the stock.

Have you already thought that the financial department, for example, has activities closely connected to the accounting department? So integration is essential. That is exactly one of the biggest advantages of an ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ).

Do you know what an ERP is and how that solution can help your company in practice? Find out in our post today!

How an ERP can boost the sales of a company?

People who work with sales know this very well: speed of response is essential to close good deals.

The speed to check data, negotiate and issue orders requires that sellers be in permanent contact with managers and commercial directors. And this becomes even more complex when the team’s performance involves external work.

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So know it: agility is the first effect of an ERP.

Another complicated question in the daily life of the sales team is understanding how to define the maximum margin for negotiation.

Obviously, there is no way for the professional to call the company all the time, repeatedly requesting authorizations to grant discounts. The good news is that, with an ERP, even this limit can be set in parameters in the system, avoiding sales below the minimum limit required by the organization.

What are the biggest benefits of implementing an ERP?

Costs reduction

At first, it seems antagonistic to announce an expense with an ERP as an economic measure, doesn’t it?

But you’ll understand the logic now, remembering that IT investment, when done right, has one of the greatest returns on investment on the market. It has already started to make sense, right?


With an ERP to boost sales, your business representatives will no longer need catalogs, since the entire portfolio of the company will be at your fingertips, on your smartphones. Mobility is one of the great advantages of modern ERPs.

External sales management can be monitored in real time, increasing productivity. Not to mention the indicators, which allow understanding the gaps of each collaborator, eventual training needs, among other elements that give the company a holistic awareness of the business.

As you can imagine, all this results in profit maximization and cost reduction.

Data security

In practice, not a few companies have already suffered as a result of strategic data theft or feared accounting fraud.

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What needs to be understood, as soon as possible, is that it is useless to have a high-performance commercial team if the accounting for profits in the corporation is carried out without adequate security.

And here comes the ERP, promoting relevant advances in governance and in the company’s compliance strategies. This is because, with the use of this type of business solution, all corporate information is digitally trafficked, recording the traces of each official who uses the system – when they have accessed, at what time, from which IP and what exactly has been altered.

Elimination of noise

What will be the size of the bias in the company’s reputation if the sales and stock teams are not aligned?

Many times, the simple lack of an integrated system forms innumerable gaps in the organization, which prevent the company from managing to boost its sales.

Imagine selling a product that is no longer available in stock. This misunderstanding can turn into a tragedy for the credibility of the company, okay?

This chaos can also cause a commercial representative to close a sale for a client who is negative because they do not have to check the company’s system in loco , nor do they have direct contact with legal professionals. These information gaps are solved with an ERP.

I gain predictability

Centralizing business data in a single system confers operational intelligence on processes.


Thus, sales can generate automatic declines in stock, the demonstrations of results and cash flows are updated in real time and the goals and indicators are monitored throughout the day.

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As you can see, an ERP system works as a corporate control center, which allows obtaining more accurate forecasts, making the company less susceptible to market unpredictability.

Business scalability

Imagine the following scenario: The company starts with a sales team of 5 vendors. After a while, the team grows and more than 40 professionals join.

There are 9 times more sellers generating orders, making inquiries about registration restrictions and needing the support of the marketing area to promote products. They are also 9 times more salespeople monitored, with goals and performance evaluations to manage.


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