If you have a website, it is normal that on more than one occasion you have heard what natural positioning consists of ; So much so, that it is currently the most demanded service by companies and professionals who need to place their online site among the top positions.

However, at SERSEO we want to offer you a broader view of this concept, the techniques that work and others that are also used but that are abusive and that in the long term do not serve to obtain results.

Can you really achieve an organic positioning of success?

One of the big problems we are facing is that precisely due to the rise in positioning by thousands of companies, “professionals” have come onto the market ensuring that they achieve a natural positioning with results through secret techniques and in a very short time. If you hear this they are lying to you! In addition to harming the professionals who really carry out effective natural organic positions and with adequate techniques.

Nowadays it is possible to derive thousands of visits to a website since there are payment platforms for it, but are people who are part of our target audience really entering us? As this is not the case, no conversion will take place and the website will be positioned by many terms and by none in particular, so the return on investment is practically nil.

What should be done to choose a good natural positioning agency?

  • Check some success stories
  • Investigate how your brand image is positioned
  • Analyze types of terms and guarantees
  • Study the commercial offer and minimum objectives
  • Check the degree of real involvement of the agency with our project
  • Check the level of quality of services
  • Meet the team
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At SERSEO we have been working in this sector for more than 15 years with a group of qualified professionals and with continuous training over time to adapt to new developments and thus ensure better visibility for companies like yours that will increase significantly. qualified traffic and sales.

To achieve this, we opted for manual optimization of both the code and the web, we implemented global strategies, we established continuous improvements and we closely followed your competition. In no case do we apply penalizable techniques, the work is always progressive and continuous over time without shortcuts that may later damage the natural positioning.

And it is that having an online project natural positioning has great advantages and benefits. Not only the visibility of the web, products and services that you offer, but also a greater recognition of the brand above the competition, a notable saving because we avoid large advertising costs in the long and medium term, a better brand image , traffic qualified to the web and greater usability and accessibilityto it thanks to the optimization for example of the loading speed and the SEO on Page of the page. Some of these techniques are for example reducing the size and weight of all images as well as the weight of the entire web, choosing a good hosting, creating cache of pages and visited elements, compressing files and code, reducing the number of http calls to the server, etc.

Now, not only does it depend on having a good natural positioning, letting all the weight fall on the contracted agency, but as the owner of the same you must carry out the following actions:

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Follow the recommendations of the SEO consultant . He will be responsible for analyzing your business and telling you the best search terms by which you can position yourself much better given the high competition. In this sense, you must also provide him with all the information he needs, set priorities and request changes or improvements that you consider.

Make an investment in SEO in proportion to the size of your company. In this sense, SERSEO is why we have specific low-cost budgets for small and medium-sized companies that want to get the most out of it. Also note that we are dealing with a process that takes time and investment in the long term but that is still much cheaper than the classic pay-per-click traffic. That is why it is always more advisable to invest in SEO in the medium and long term and in SEM (google Adwords) in the short term to get traffic immediately.

SEO will allow us to position ourselves in privileged positions but always after a while since working on certain keywords depends on the Google algorithm and how it indexes it according to the terms and times that it stipulates. For this reason, we began by saying in the post that no professional can guarantee to position your website in the first position, and even less to do so in record time because Google does not allow it, in addition to the fact that we are facing a methodological process that changes continuously and which we have to adapt.

Therefore, if you are going to start a new business or want to give a boost to the positions in which your potential clients find you through the search engines, contact SERSEO and we will convert visits into clients through our methodology based on analysis and selection of keywords, the study of opportunities based on the rest of keywords, optimization of titles and texts on the web for their positioning, the rewriting of URLs, content optimization, study and maintenance of the links that go directly to your website and those that leave it, registration and follow-up in the main search engines, generation and creation of the sitemap and registration in different related directories.

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We also have several SEO positioning services for you to choose the one that best suits your needs.