Digital Marketing

Boost your presence on mobiles with these three simple keys

The popularity of mobile devices has been increasing significantly in recent years. Even, according to a report by the GSMA , the number of people who use their mobile devices to access the internet in Latin America will grow by 50 percent by 2020.

On the other hand, PayPal some time ago commissioned a study from the IDC based on interviews with 1789 Latin Americans. In conclusion, the report found that 53% prefer to make their purchases through tablets and / or smartphones. This panorama reflects the emerging need for companies to be more present in the mobile scene.

Even bear in mind that in 2015, Google announced that as of April 21 of that same year ,   websites that did not have a responsive design (that is, that were adapted for mobile devices) would lose positioning in the results of Google searches that were carried out from these devices , which will have a negative impact on the level of visibility and, of course, on the rate of organic traffic capture of the websites .

Three steps to boost your presence on mobiles

Without a doubt, mobile strategies can be a valuable opportunity to achieve positioning, service and sales objectives . For this reason, it is important to create a suitable action plan adapting the different needs and requirements of companies to improve their positioning on the internet and expand their range of clients.


Below we share three keys that you should implement to enhance the presence of your organization on mobile devices:

1. Become the best friend of usability:

Accessing a website through the cell phone screen is a very different experience than accessing from a computer. Therefore, it is important to create a structure that has usability as a priority , in other words, you have to think about the experience of users who visit our website through their mobile devices.

2. Show important information in few clicks:

When companies take into account the users who enter their websites from mobile phones, they must remember that one of the characteristics that they most appreciate is the possibility of finding what they need in a few movements, because in these times smartphones and tablets offer greater immediacy. At this point, the loading speed of the web pages is also appreciated, of course .

3. Create campaigns for the mobile environment:

Of course, if we want to have a greater reach through mobile phones, it is necessary to develop a campaign designed exclusively for those who use this type of device to inform themselves on a daily basis.

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